Am back from Washington where i had the good fortune of getting together finally with Adil, a friend of mine with whom I had written the mojorama blog. It was strange i guess cos Adil was three years my senior in college. I have effectively met him three times in college and yet our chemistry on a online theater group we both are a part of was immediate.
Meeting him was like meeting an old friend strangely enough. It was as far as i am concerned a long four days of discussing many intense ideas some memorable and most forgotten in a haze of several intoxicants.
One of which stuck to me rather strangely. He told me ,and i agree with him when he says this, that the notion prevalent largely in America, disregarding the coastal cities, is that men and women can never be friends. What was strange about this notion was he told me that the idea centered around the fact that it was impossible to negotiate the sexual tension that arises between two people of the opposite sexes. Coming from India where at least at the University level this seems like a preposterous notion i was quite surprised. Mainland America sadly enough is not like the soap opera/ sitcom setting we get to see on cable television. It is a conservative society with women as weirdly stereotyped as men. Kids come in to college with the sole idea of finding prospective partners and it is strange that this would be the same university setting with the highest incidences of STD's and such. But returning to the topic at hand can a guy and a girl ever be friends? So much so that he said you could be friends with a guy but not his say, wife or girlfriend.
So the question of interest here is where does it arise from? is it that men in general can't stay inside their pants or is it driven by the insecurity of the male in the relationship.
I haven't toyed with the idea of the woman's role in this cos quite honestly, i couldn't think of what it would be. But any ladies out there are feel free to let me know.
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