An old picture Neha Sharma and Me before the Great battle of Dhaula kuan 2003
One of my closest friends got married a couple of weeks back. It was a good battle and the groom fell with honor. Many bards promised to sing of his bravery for many year to come as my friend ( Neha Sharma who miraculously became Neha Verma after she gorged on his heart , soul and surname) finally left the marriage with a smile on her face, which could only be described as gluttonously content. While Deep (A person i don't know personally but admire for having married Neha) watched on as if his his life had just ended. He of course had this entire situation mixed up as, his life had ended the day he had met Neha.
Back in the day when Neha's mother fed, clothed and generally kept me and my room-mate chauhan alive we were regular visitors to her place. On one such occasion, the occasion of interest here, we decided to play a game of chess. Now it should be noted here and i explicitly state here, If you know something , and i mean really know something and you use it against someone who is just trying to impress a girl, man give the guy a break, don't be mean dude. You are probably wondering what i am talking about and the point will get clearer.
So we are sitting in the living room and the game starts incidentally her dad is reading the paper on the table. Fifteen minutes into the game and she has practically lost every piece except a horse and her king. I have a slight smirk and am trying very hard to make my skinny Southie torso look like I am Adonis. All this while on the fringes of my little victory lurking was her dad who looks at the board and slowly nodded his head and started playing for her.
There are wars then battles, skirmishes, duels and then there was what happened that evening. The guy, with one horse beat the living crap out of me in front of his daughter. It was surgical and clean. Though i hold no grudge against the guy now (Nakul and Shashank(my other friends) avenged me by replacing his helmet with a smaller sized one That poor gentleman has ridden many rides with a tight helmet because of our misdeed) but Dude! i mean you just don't do that. You don't Australia(verb) Bangladesh just cos Bangladesh came over and started winning against Australia B , do you?
Anyhow the moral of the story is this. If you have a chance of going into a chess game and loosing. Avoid it by playing a simpler game like ludo.
P.S No bard has agreed to sing anything involving me apparently it is against there law to sing about bespectacled skinny mallus. Hey, its a sub clause in the who not to sing for in the Bard Code and they take there subclauses seriously.
hey..I throughly enjoyed that..even if it I come across as an evil women who eats men's heart esp dear husbands...and thanks Meera
im confused as to how that was because of Meera?
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